Do you need a English board for the related tech-discuss (是否需要一个英文专版来交流相关技术)?
选项 1: Yes (需要)
票: 19
选项 2: No(不需要)
票: 4
选项 3: don't care (无所谓)
票: 2
English:Many people suggest that we need an English corner to let people from all over the world to discuss. Let's vote to see the real need.
Chinese:很多人建议建立一个英语角来给世界各地的人交流。 这里投票看看是否实际需要。
I think we need a bilingual forum here. In order to promote the use of proxy soft ware all over the world. Due to the development of the internet, people in democratic countries need anonymous and people under dictatorship need safety. However there is no such a forum talking about the topic like this, it is urgent to set up one asap.
Here a some suggestions.
1 set up tor board. Tor is widely used but there is no specialized forum.
2 freegate/ultra board. Promote freegate. Actually freegate is not as famous as tor. Now the english home page of dongtaiwang is too simple. I hope the website will be more international.
actually, i m really intrested in anonmously surfing mechanism.
it is sure that the source code of ultrasuf will not be shared for several reasons,
but could you just share ur mechanisms and ideas about it?
Sure! That would be a great idea!