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作者 jingyue
 - 一月 27, 2018, 07:10:00 上午

由乔什史密斯| 2018年1月22日|未分类| 1条评论



TrueOS项目的创始人Kris Moore在2007年首次从FreeBSD邮件列表中听到了关于OpenZFS的消息。 2008年,TrueOS开发团队很高兴知道FreeBSD项目已经移植了ZFS。当时,ZFS还没有被证明是一个稳定的文件系统,但是Kris看到了一个绝好的机会,在UFS旁边的TrueOS安装程序中提供了ZFS作为一个前沿的选项,使得TrueOS项目可以作为OpenZFS公平的在现实生产中使用。

在基于FreeBSD的系统上,OpenZFS的接收和质量让团队感到震惊。就其性质而言,ZFS是一个写时复制(CoW)文件系统,在写入数据和验证数据完整性之前,不会移动数据块。这与目前使用的大多数其他文件系统非常不同。 ZFS能够通过自动比较写入校验和来保证数据在写入之间保持一致,从而减轻位错误。 ZFS还带有原生RaidZ功能,可以实现企业数据管理和冗余,而不需要昂贵的传统RAID卡。 ZFS快照允许在瞬间的系统配置备份。你读得对。 TrueOS可以使用ZFS文件系统在不到一秒的时间内备份​​或恢复快照。

鉴于这些优势,TrueOS团队决定从2013年开始使用ZFS作为其独有的文件系统,至今我们一直没有回头。 ZFS为TrueOS用户提供了他们想要的稳定的工作站体验,同时能够满足企业存储市场不断增长的需求。 TrueOS用户经常评论使用我们的内置快照实用程序来使用ZFS快照是多么容易。这使得用户可以自由地尝试他们的系统,知道如果出现任何问题,他们可以在几秒钟内恢复。如果您还没有机会尝试使用TrueOS的ZFS,请浏览我们的下载页面,并确保获取TrueOS副本。 RaidZ的易用性,数据保护功能和令人难以置信的灵活性将使您大饱眼福。

* PC-BSD项目在2016年被重新命名为TrueOS。作者在一些地区使用了TrueOS来取代PC-BSD,以消除这两个名称之间的混淆。



     作为一名前Sun技术/管理员,我欣赏并理解ZFS的好处。 拥有本地ZFS支持以及下一代文件系统背后的思想是一个巨大的好处。 感谢实施团队,感谢把ZFS带到TrueOS!



原文链接 https://www.trueos.org/blog/zfs-trueos-love-openzfs/



ZFS on TrueOS: Why We Love OpenZFS

by Josh Smith | Jan 22, 2018 | Unsorted | 1 comment

TrueOS was the first desktop operating system to fully implement the OpenZFS (Zettabyte File System or ZFS for short) enterprise file system in a stable production environment. To fully understand why we love ZFS, we will look back to the early days of TrueOS (formerly PC-BSD). The development team had been using the UFS file system in TrueOS because of its solid track record with FreeBSD-based computer systems and its ability to check file consistency with the built-in check utility fsck.

However, as computing demands increased, problems began to surface. Slow fsck file verification on large file systems, slow replication speeds, and inconsistency in data integrity while using UFS logging / journaling began to hinder users. It quickly became apparent that TrueOS users would need a file system that scales with evolving enterprise storage needs, offers the best data protection, and works just as well on a hobbyist system or desktop computer.

Kris Moore, the founder of the TrueOS project, first heard about OpenZFS in 2007 from chatter on the FreeBSD mailing lists. In 2008, the TrueOS development team was thrilled to learn that the FreeBSD Project had ported ZFS. At the time, ZFS was still unproven as a stable file system, but Kris saw a perfect opportunity to offer ZFS as a cutting-edge option in the TrueOS installer right beside UFS, allowing the TrueOS project to act as an indicator of how OpenZFS would fair in real-world production use.

The team was blown away by the reception and quality of OpenZFS on FreeBSD-based systems. By its nature, ZFS is a copy-on-write (CoW) file system that won't move a block of data until it both writes the data and verifies its integrity. This is very different from most other file systems in use today. ZFS is able to assure that data stays consistent between writes by automatically comparing write checksums, which mitigates bit rot. ZFS also comes with native RaidZ functionality that allows for enterprise data management and redundancy without the need for expensive traditional RAID cards. ZFS snapshots allow for system configuration backups in a split-second. You read that right. TrueOS can backup or restore snapshots in less than a second using the ZFS file system.

Given these advantages, the TrueOS team decided to use ZFS as its exclusive file system starting in 2013, and we haven't looked back since. ZFS offers TrueOS users the stable workstation experience they want, while simultaneously scaling to meet the increasing demands of the enterprise storage market. TrueOS users are frequently commenting on how easy it is to use ZFS snapshots with our built-in snapshot utility. This allows users the freedom to experiment with their system knowing they can restore it in seconds if anything goes wrong. If you haven't had a chance to try ZFS with TrueOS, browse to our download page and make sure to grab a copy of TrueOS. You'll be blown away by the ease of use, data protection functionality, and incredible flexibility of RaidZ.

* The PC-BSD project was renamed to TrueOS in 2016. The author has used the name TrueOS in place of PC-BSD in some areas to eliminate confusion jumping between the two names.

1 Comment

    Roussouw   on January 25, 2018 at 9:51 pm

    As an ex-Sun tech/admin I appreciate and understand the benefits of ZFS. It is a huge benefit to have native ZFS support as well as the next generation of thinking behind file systems. Kudos to the implementation team and thanks for bringing ZFS to TrueOS!